Notes to Myself #2


It’s been the longest gap since I started this blog, and considering the too many goings-on recently, it is not a surprise. 2015 did not go or end all that well and when I hoped 2016 would start and work out better, turns out I was just being naive.

But then that begs the larger question, what is ‘good or better or bad’ really? These are merely subjective terms, meaningless and pointless by themselves. It it we who tinge things and events around us with these colors and label them. Everything that happens, does for a reason and there are two choices – to wallow in sadness and pity, or just look at objectively and use the opportunity to grow and mature as a person.

So remember,

  • Everything, and by that I mean E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.,  is Iswara Prasadam
  • Do not give anyone the power to hurt you. Don’t just let them have it, effortlessly.

No more room for unbridled negative emotions!




4 thoughts on “Notes to Myself #2

  1. A full year of difficulties can break the strongest person. If you felt down and unequal to what life was throwing to you, it only proves that you are human.

    But the worst tide changes and suddenly you are among wonderful people again. All the very best, gvsafamily. I do hope that flowers bloom so much that the unsavory elements just get washed away.

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