
I’ve often wondered in the past – aren’t mothers the true hero(ine)s of any birthday? Why celebrate and wish me on the special day when after all, on the same day many years ago, it was my mother who lay writhing in pain on a cold hospital birthing table, enduring hours of agony, while I merely just… popped out?

But now, long after after I first experienced birth pangs myself, I know the answer to that. Nature has purposefully designed women to forget the suffering associated with childbirth (we wouldn’t be 7 billion strong and counting, otherwise) Long after physical traces of the experience have vanished and the trauma receded from memory, what remains is the one true, beautiful gift from that day. For any mother, it is a special remainder – one to be cherished, taken care of and felt thankful for, all her life.

So Happy Birthday to anyone celebrating his/her birthday this day and on the days to come. I am sure your mother wouldn’t pass up anything in her experience of bringing you to the world. Not even the severest of pains.