Wrapping up 2016

The year end post, as always.


Picture the following in Morgan Freeman’s booming baritone,

If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous?

These are lines from Freeman’s 2007 movie “Evan Almighty” and the reason I remembered them is because they pretty much sum up 2016 for me.Like any other year, 2016 too had its share of ups and downs. Joys and sorrows. But above all, to me, 2016 was a year of opportunities. It was the year I got the opportunity to discover new things, learn, evolve and more often than not, to dig deeper into my own psyche to understand why I do what I do sometimes. In certain aspects, I am a better person today than what I was in December 2015, but in certain aspects I am the same (oh, and in some aspects there regrettably has been a downward slide too). But to me, overall that signals that I did not stagnate. So Woohoo to that!

Very recently, I came across articles online as to how 2016 was generally considered unfortunate and that people cannot wait for it to end. I found that amusing. Don’t people realize that one man’s poison is another’s payasam (or whatever that quote is!) 2016 to some is probably filled with some of the happiest memories in their lives, who knows, and they may never want it to end. And are we really that naive to believe that 2017 will only bring good tidings and nothing else?

In fact if one were to look at it slightly more philosophically, chapter 4/verse 22 from the Bhagavad Gita holds some pointers. In it, Lord Krishna uses the terms “beyond opposites” and “same in success and failure” This – and only this – is the key to a happy person (and hence a happy year). Till we truly transcend duality, every year is bound to remain a mixed bag.

So coming back to 2016, what did the year teach me?

  • That I need an all-encompassing vision in life. That for a richer and fuller life, I need to get rid of my tunnel vision syndrome (I guess that malady grew with me, haha!)
  • The application of Srimad Bhagavad Gita in practice, I got some practical taste of SBG’s warnings and recommendations on important topics such as duty and results, ego, anger and so on
  • That there are abundant sources of knowledge scattered all around if we are open enough to look for and grab the opportunities
  • That I need to manage my time, health and family better

What do I hope to accomplish in 2017?

  • Better health – both physical and mental. I need to become fitter not only physically but also mentally. I will need to confront my fears head on and not shy away from toughening situations – again, physically and mentally
  • Better management of emotions
  • Last but not the least – read more, write more

As a starting point, will end with some amazing points I learnt from Tim Ferris’ year end podcast.

  1. Power of the sub conscious mind – is infinite. Learn to feed it right and experience for yourself the results it can produce
  2. Look at areas that nobody has thought of – there is plenty of opportunity in those places. Look at things that don’t seemingly make sense – that is what is likely to happen
  3. Reframe your career as an opportunity to become a better you
  4.  If you don’t enjoy a universally appreciated book or experience, don’t fret. Maybe you are just not ready for it.Yet. Revisit is after a year or a few.
  5. Read, read and read a lot. On other areas and domains, especially, not directly connected with your line of work. It will open up new avenues you never knew existed.

So while we evolve, and till duality remains, here’s wishes for a”Happy” New Year 2017!

And in the spirit of the post, another Morgan Freeman quote to end it with.

People want me to do everything for them. But what they don’t realize is *they* have the power. You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle.

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